Polonia – a Platform

The idea of a platform… That was it. It answered our needs and would open the door for others faced with the same challenge – using their resources to do good in ways only they could imagine or design.

We adopted the word Polonia as part of our name. The word is derived from the Polish language root word ‘pole’ meaning a field or platform. As our chairperson has said, we do not want to be the tallest tree in the field or the biggest building – we would much rather be the platform on which good works are based.

Our platform idea allows those who want to direct their funding into a particular outcome to design a program that meets their requirements. We provide the support to bring their vision to reality.

We designed nine specific platforms for a start. They include platforms for children, families, seniors, education, learning, dialog, sports, the arts, and our soon to be announced tenth platform in wellness.

In my next installment, Think globally act locally – the cliche must end.